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The Maple Hour
The Maple Hour is a webinar series for Wisconsin maple enthusiasts. Each program features a timely topic, guest speaker(s), and live Q&A. You can sign-up for upcoming programs and watch recordings of past Maple Hours below.
Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Business Growth
2-3 PM, March 17, 2025
Explore how maple producers integrate traditional and digital marketing strategies to create seamless and cohesive brand experiences for customers. Learn how to craft a compelling brand identity, maximize visibility across multiple channels, build meaningful customer relationships, optimize sales opportunities, and foster a loyal community. By employing a holistic approach to marketing, producers can enhance their brand’s visibility, increase customer engagement, and build a sustainable business.
Pre-Season Producer’s Panel
Maple Hour – Feb. 2025
This virtual round-table discussion features seasoned Wisconsin maple syrup producers sharing their experiences, and expectations for the upcoming sugaring season.
Check out other resources for syrup producers on our ‘Making Maple Syrup’ page.
Getting Ready for Sugaring Season
Maple Hour – Dec. 2023
In this recording Jim Adamski, sales consultant with CDL Wisconsin, shares pre-season preparation tips for all aspects of your maple syrup operation.
- Read the summary article
Tree Tapping Clinic
Maple Hour – Feb. 2024
Jim Adamski, sales consultant with CDL Wisconsin, rejoined The Maple Hour to cover everything you need to know about tapping maple trees.
Check out other resources for syrup producers on our ‘Making Maple Syrup’ page.
Click the (+) to expand each topic to explore the resources and watch the recordings.
Invasive Plants in the Sugarbush – Mar. 2024
Mary Bartkowiak, WDNR forest invasive plant coordinator, joined the maple hour to talk about the most important invasive plants for maple syrup producers to know and control.
USDA Funding for Sugarbush Forestry – Oct. 2023
This edition of the Maple Hour looks at USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) cost-share funding for Wisconsin woodland owners. We were joined by the NRCS Wisconsin state forester, Allan Braun, to walk through the steps sugarbush owners can take to acquire federal money for forestry projects. Allan covered basic program eligibility and funding opportunities through the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) and the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) and popular practices like creating a forest management plan, forest stand improvement, invasive brush control, tree and shrub planting and more.
Climate Change and WI Maple Syrup – Aug. 2023
Stephen Handler, Climate Change Specialist with the US Forest Service, and Scott Hershberger M.S. student in Life Sciences Communication at UW-Madison and Project Assistant for the Extension Maple Syrup Program join the Maple hour to spotlight major climatic trends and risks to northern hardwood forests and sugar maples. Scott also shares the recently released Sugarbush Adaptation Menu, with descriptions of environmental challenges and concrete actions maple producers can take to address them.
Sugarbush Forest Health Update – July 2023
WI DNR Forest Health Specialist, Paul Cigan, joins the Maple Hour to look at forest health issues in Wisconsin, with an eye on the sugarbush. We cover some common pests, diseases and considerations for keeping your sugarbush healthy.
Maple Syrup Production Statistics – Jun. 2023
Greg Bussler, WI State Statistician for the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, joins the Maple Hour to discuss the 2023 maple syrup production statistics for Wisconsin and share some history and insights for Wisconsin maple syrup producers.
Cooking with Maple – May 2023
Maple Glazed Charred Brussel Sprouts:
- 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
- 1 lb. Brussel sprouts cut in half lengthwise
- 2 Cloves garlic minced
- ½ Cup pecan or walnut pieces
- 2 Tbsp. balsamic or red wine vinegar
- 2 Tbsp. Wisconsin maple syrup (Dark Robust)
- 1 Tsp. of salt or to taste.
Add oil to skillet or wok and heat over med-high heat to shimmering. Add Brussel sprouts and cook for 3-5 min stirring occasionally until a slight char starts to appear on cut side. Add garlic and nuts and continue to cook for 2 minutes stirring frequently. Turn down heat to med-low stir in vinegar and reduce. Stir in maple syrup and take off heat. Salt to taste and serve warm.
Maple Remoulade Sauce for Crab Cakes and More:
- 1 Cup mayonnaise (preferably homemade)
- 1 ½ Tbsp lemon juice
- 1 Tbsp Louisiana-style hot sauce
- 1 Tbsp Wisconsin maple syrup (Amber Rich)
- 2 shallots, chopped
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1 ½ Tbsp Dijon mustard
- 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tsp smoked paprika salt and pepper, to taste
Mix all ingredients together and chill until time to serve.
Darrin Kimbler, former UW-Madison Extension Ag Educator for Iron County, joined the Maple Hour to highlight the culinary potential of maple syrup and perform a cooking demonstration making Maple Glazed Charred Brussel Sprouts and Maple Remoulade. Recipes included!
End of Season Cleanup – Apr. 2023
Theresa Baroun, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association, joins the Maple Hour to discuss end-of-season cleanup for all aspects of your maple operation.
Food Safety for Maple Businesses – Mar. 2023
Barbara Ingham, UW-Madison Professor of Food Science, provides guidance on food safety planning for food businesses using maple sugar in products such as maple-flavored sauces and dressings, sparkling maple water, and infused maple syrup.
Sugarbush Management – Jan. 2023
Dr. Mike Demchik, UW-Stevens Point Forestry Professor, joined the Wisconsin Maple Hour to share insights, considerations and strategies for managing a sugarbush to maintain and increase production and enhance ecological values.
Maple Sugaring at Mino Bimaadiziiwin Farm – Nov. 2022
Allissa Stutte, Farm Manager at Mino Bimaadiziiwin Farm, joins Wisconsin Maple Hour to discuss maple sugaring as part of food sovereignty efforts of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
Energy Efficiency – Oct. 2022
Beth Peterson, Assistant State Conservation Engineer with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Bethany Reinholtz, Project Manager with GSD Associates join the Maple Hour to discuss energy efficiency projects for maple syrup operations and financial assistance to help make them happen.
Maple Identification and Distribution – Sep. 2022
During this inaugural session of the Wisconsin Maple Hour we talk with DNR forest ecologist and silviculturist Brad Hutnik about maple species in Wisconsin, how to identify them, their relevance for maple syrup and what we can expect about their prevalence and distribution in the future.